Raymond Bernard (1923-2006)

Raymond Bernard (1923-2006)

Raymond Bernard, esotericist and writer, was Grand Master of several Western initiatic traditions (Rosicrucian, Martinist, Templar Order). By travels on every continent, by initiations received and given in the Traditions encountered in Africa, in the East and in the West, he also created spiritual and fraternal ties between many human communities, pacifying many personal quests, opening up choices at all levels of society.

His written work - twelve titles, with 230,000 copies distributed together with nearly a hundred articles and messages - developed his mystical and spiritual approach. It covered the world of Tradition and its specific pathways by their attachment to a single source which he designated "the Primordial Tradition". As a Speaker, he has given hundreds of public and private conferences on these subjects, in French and English. As an Initiator, he reactivated Martinism the 1960s and established a Templar Tradition in the 1980s which also incorporated Pythagorean thought. As an Integrator, he created a bridge between African and Western Traditions and transmitted techniques giving people more independence in their individual quest. His adherence to ancient and Egyptian Traditions, to Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism and the Druze movement inspired his work and service.

After studying law, he carried on business in his home town of Dauphine which he left at the age of 33 to begin his long journey through the Tradition, firstly to serve the Rosicrucian Order which from then began an exceptional expansion. Tradition, for him, took many forms, which he always made his own without appropriating them, being always eager to pass the torch. This site is like the notebook of a Rosicrucian, Freemason, Templar, Pythagorean, Christian, Martinist, shaman ... His latest creation, when he was 64, has been the CIRCES, still active now, conveying the essence of his message.

Hundreds of events that can characterize his life of service and his work as a writer are gathered together on this site. To facilitate this exploration, it is possible to select areas and / or decades. Some events are illustrated with images, audio or video.

Note: Raymond Bernard has two known namesakes; one is a film director (1891-1977) and the other is the pseudonym of a writer who signed "The Hollow Earth".

>> Version française <<

An Eventful Life

This biography presents a mozaic of the events outlining the life of Raymond Bernard (1923-2006) in the world of the Tradition, especially in Europe and Africa. He was Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC until 1977, Supreme Legate until 1986. He developed Martinism (TMO) in Europe in the 1960s and, in 1988, established a Templar tradition.

Contribute & correct

If you find an error or would like to propose a significant event, an anecdote or a memory, do not hesitate to send an email to info@raymond-bernard.net which contains all the details for the document.

may 1923


may 1923


may 19, 1923


Born under the sign of Taurus

Birth of Raymond Bernard, in Bourg d'Oisans (Isère), where his familly ran an important grocery business

january 1929


Primary school studies in Bourg d'Oisans

Until 1933, primary studies at the communal school, then at a private school in Bourg D'Oisans

january 1934


Secondary school in Grenoble

Until 1938, a boarder at Collège St Michel in Grenoble - now known as the private "Collège de la Salle à l'Aigle".

Raymond Bernard, communion

january 1939


High school

Boarder at the Champollion High School. Interruption of studies. Return to Bourg d'Oisans

january 1941


Free French Forces

He attempted to join the Free French Forces. Could not get further than Montpellier. Returned to Bourg d'Oisans.

may 1941

BIO [Video] R+C

Meeting with Edith Lynn

Edith Lynn, former director of an English College, was a refugee in Bourg d'Oisans; she introduced Raymond Bernard to the Rosicrucian Order AMORC and its teachings. She gave Raymond Bernard, for his birthday, an information booklet "The Secret Heritage" and a few copies of the Rosicrucian Digest magazine. Mastering the English language, Raymond Bernard received his first lessons from 1941 to 1945.

Rencontre avec Edith Lynn

january 1943


The Vichy regime's compulsory youth camps : the Chantiers de Jeunesse

He was incorporated in the "Chantiers de Jeunesse" in the Bauges, Chatelard section, in Savoy, near his hometown.

january 1944


Factory worker in Rioupéroux

To escape the forced labour in France, Raymond Bernard took a job as a factory worker, in Rioupéroux (Isere), thanks to a friend of Russian origin. They were breaking bricks to reduce them to powder.

january 1944



Arrested by the Germans. His involvement in the resistance exposed the brutality of the time. He was interrogated and molested (later in the early 90s he confided that it was very painful). The landings in southern France led to his release.

january 1945


Correspondence with Jeanne Guesdon

Beginning of the correspondence between Raymond Bernard and Jeanne Guesdon, then Grand Secretary of AMORC in France and member of the FUDOSI.

january 1945



BA (special session reserved for those who were mobilized).

february 1945


Mobilisation at Nimes

Mobilisation (Class 43 would be the first class mobilized). Assignment to Nimes, Artillery Training Center No. 1. Promoted to sergeant three months later. Edith Lynn left Bourg d'Oisans during this period. She gave Raymond Bernard a little book with a note: "I'm leaving, What I had to do with you is complete."

may 1945


Assignment to Monaco

Assignment to Monaco and then in France, in St Blasien in and around Totnau

january 1946




january 1946


University - Faculty of Law.

Studied law. Enrolled in the Faculty of Grenoble, he returned to Bourg d'Oisans and continued his studies by correspondence.

january 1948


Family business

Raymond Bernard joined his brother (who had finished a three-year commitment in the Navy) to work with him and his parents in the family business.

december 1948


Affiliation with AMORC

Official reactivation of AMORC in France by Jeanne Guesdon, Grand Secretary. Raymond Bernard immediately joined. He received membership No. 2 with an effective date of 1 January 1949. No. 1 was reserved for the Imperator, Ralph Lewis (the title "Imperator" refers to the global head of AMORC who chairs the supreme office, comprising five persons). Jeanne Guesdon herself remained affiliated with AMORC USA.

january 1949


Jeanne Guesdon named Grand Master

Jeanne Guesdon was named 2nd Grand Master of AMORC for the French speaking countries by the Imperator, R.M. Lewis (the first Grand Master was Hans Grüter, from 1934 to 1944)

february 19, 1951



Wedding in Bourg d'Oisans with Yvonne Noyrey. Their honeymoon took them to Corsica, then to Algiers and Oran, where he had paternal family members. Returned via Marseille.

november 30, 1951


Birth of Christian

Birth of Christian Bernard

january 1952


Militia Crucifera Evangelica

He was received within the Militia Crucifera Evangelica, an "interior order of chivalry" within AMORC (one is admitted by the decision of the Imperator).

july 1954


J. Guesdon installed as Grand Master

Jeanne Guesdon was officially installed in San Jose (California), the supreme seat of AMORC, in his capacity as Grand Master.

march 29, 1955


Death of Jeanne Guesdon

The interim is assured from Sweden by Albin Roimer, present intermittently in Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, until March 1956

october 19, 1955


Trip to Italy, enters into freemasonry.

Meeting in Rome with Giuseppe di Castellammare Cassarà, who became the first Grand Master of AMORC, Italy, through whom Raymond Bernard was received as a Freemason in the Lodge of Cuori Fratelli, Rome. It was Raymond Bernard who proposed that the Imperator entrust Castellammare di Cassarà with the responsibility of awakening AMORC in Italy. Raymond Bernard also visited Grotta Ferratta.

october 1955


Receives the Templar tradition in Italy

During his trip to Italy, Raymond Bernard received a Templar tradition (which was not incorporated in the usual Masonic progression). It would be revealed completely to him during a later trip to Grotta ferratta in 1968 in the Abbey of San Nilo Uniate, accompanied by V. Valerio. Note that a full and legitimate initiation recognising the perpetuation of the Templar tradition was also transmitted to him at San Jose but this was not fully materialised until 1988.

december 1955


The mystical life of Jesus

Article in the Rosicrucian Magazine No. 16 (published quarterly from AMORC, provided to the public). Created by Jeanne Guesdon in the early 1950s, it is still being circulated.

Revue Rose-Croix n° 16, page 23
Revue Rose-Croix n° 31, extrait 1

january 15, 1956


Meeting with R.M. Lewis

In Paris, Raymond Bernard met Ralph M. Lewis, Imperator of AMORC, who asked him to take over from Jeanne Guesdon. RML named him Administrator of AMORC on the following 1st of March.

march 1956


Secretary of AMORC

He became Grand Secretary of AMORC France, by the decision of the Imperator. The jurisdiction covered all French speaking countries and had approximately 700 members. He moved to Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, at the hotel first, then to the headquarters in the pavilion once occupied by Jeanne Guesdon.

Courrier de 1956, en tant que secrétaire

march 1956


Career change

His brother having left the family business for a career in the police, Raymond Bernard also ceased his duties in the family business and went to Villeneuve-Saint-Georges.

october 1956


Moves to Villeneuve-St-Georges

Permanent installation at Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, in the pavilion inhabited by Jeanne Guesdon where he performed the function of Grand Master.

july 1957


Development of AMORC

40 Rosicrucian bodies start to function within the French jurisdiction, all established on the initiative of Raymond Bernard.

september 15, 1957


First visit of the Imperator to Paris

The Imperator Ralph Maxwell Lewis visited the jurisdiction of the French language for the first time September 15, 1957. The meeting took place at the Maison de la Chimie. This meeting provided a truly traditional touch within the Jeanne Guesdon Chapter. A Chapter is a local organization bringing together members of AMORC in geographical proximity, and which aims to become Lodge in order to conduct the regular rituals and initiations.

november 1957


First Edition of the Rosicrucian Manual

This manual was developed in the USA under the direction of HS Lewis. It was translated and prepared by Raymond Bernard, the first edition was issued in the form of a subscription, for a price of 1,700 francs at the time (2.60 euros). Since then there have been many updates, mostly deposited in the BNF pursuant to legal requirements.

january 1958


He is admitted into the Grande Loge Nationale Francaise.

In 1958, he was received in a lodge of the GNLF Opera, whose brothers recognized the traditional regularity of his initiations (probably during a closed white ritual). He was then able to receive the regular initiations of that obedience.

GLNF Opera was created in 1958 from the French National Grand Lodge. In his testimony he confided that this creation allowed an integration of more theurgic practises, (operated by Jacques Breyer in particular). In 1982 it became known as the GLTSO (Grand Lodge Symbolic and Traditional Opera).

september 1958


Propaganda and AMORC

An article in the Rosicrucian Magazine No. 27

Revue-Rose Croix n° 27, extrait

november 9, 1958


Rosicrucian Convention at Lausanne

He intervened repeatedly, to deliver a message, as a representative of R.M. Lewis and to make appointments and installations in the presence of the Grand Master of Egypt, the representative of Mexico and various European countries.

Revue-Rose Croix n° 28, extrait

january 1959


First trip to Africa

Raymond Bernard travelled to Africa. This was the first time a senior official of a traditional European organisation went to this continent.

1959, vers Congo Brazzaville

april 12, 1959


Rosicrucian rally in Strasbourg

A rally is a small local conference. Some words used in this period came from the United States, and have subsequently been replaced by others. Another rally was also held in Lyon May 24, 1959.

july 8, 1959


First visit to San Jose

Raymond Bernard and Yvonne went to San Jose for the first time and, on July 8, Raymond Bernard was initiated and installed in the Supreme Temple, to the office of Grand Master.

Avec Ralph M. Lewis, en 1959
Revue Rose-Croix n° 31, extrait

july 1959


Initiation into the OMT in San Jose

Following his installation as Grand Master, Raymond Bernard was duly initiated by Jess Duane Freeman, himself initiated by HS Lewis. Thereafter, he would restore the TMO (Traditional Martinist Order) within AMORC France. Also present at this ceremony were Yvonne Bernard and Giuseppe di Castellammare Cassarà (see 10/20/1955).

september 5, 1959


Convention at Geneva

Rosicrucian Convention in Geneva on 5 and 6 September. Guest: James R. Whitcomb (USA)

november 17, 1959


Apprentice Mason

He received the rank of Apprentice in the GLNF Opera (created from the French National Grand Lodge). In his testimony he confided that this creation permitted a more integrated theurgic practice (as operated by Jacques Breyer in particular).

january 17, 1960


Exchange of Martinist Initiations

Raymond Bernard received the three Martinist Initiation degrees, as well as that of Initiator, from Marcel Laperruque, Deputy Grand Master of the branch of Robert Ambelain. It was an exchange of initiations. Raymond Bernard then met Robert Ambelain in a café near the Madeleine church, receiving thereby confirmation of the regularity of his initiations and of the Martinism he perpetuated.

april 6, 1960


Fellowcraft Mason

Masonic Reception to the rank of Fellowcraft Mason.

july 1960


International Rosicrucian Convention at San Jose

International Convention in San Jose July 10-15, reported in the Rosicrucian Review No. 35.

september 1960


The Rose+Croix in the modern world

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 35

Revue Rose-Croix n° 35, extrait

september 30, 1960


First European Convention

At the Hotel du Rhone, until October 2, Geneva, on the initiative of Raymond Bernard.

Revue Rose-Croix n° 36, extrait

november 8, 1960


Conference at the Maison des Centraux

Theme: "The Rose + Croix in the modern world"

december 1960


Marcel Laperruque - Grand Councillor

This is a regional function within AMORC. Independently, Marcel Laperruque organised a Martinist tradition.

january 1961


Created the French Institute of Research (AMORC)

It included among other things : a committee of Rosicrucian traditional and historical research and a committee of Rosicrucian scientific research, other main branches could be established later.

february 7, 1961


Visits the Atlantis Lodge in Casablanca

From February 7 to 13, invited by the Chapter Nova Atlantis. He met Lucien Metche, then master of the Lodge. The latter eventually joined the ORT in 1970, then moved on in 1972 to create the OVDT in 1973.

february 1, 1962


He creates the Cultural Institute of Children

In February 1962, he founded the Cultural Institute of Children, and in the same month, for the first time offered the brochure "Education". The success of this Institute was immediate.

march 1962


Convention at Léopoldville

In March 1962. Many appointments and the creation of a single initiation team for the two Congos (the team conducts initiations when there is not yet a Lodge).

march 3, 1962


Master Mason

Masonic Reception to the grade of Master Mason. But Raymond Bernard, being heavily involved with his Rosicrucian duties, soon ended his participation in the work of the Masonic Lodge.

june 1962


Reading and Evolution

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 42.
"... Certainly, a good book is a valuable support on the path. It is always an encouragement and, if it is particularly inspired, it can help open the objective consciousness - if already accustomed to spiritual exercises - to the flow of the highest cosmic vibrations, by creating, in the heart of the sincere seeker, a void, a need, a call. But a book can only be a companion, it will never create a person's evolution in his/her being."

Revue Rose-Croix n° 42, extrait 1
Revue Rose-Croix n° 42, extrait 2

july 1962


Léopoldville, Brazzaville, Bakwanga

He first went to Brazzaville (former French Congo), then crossed the river Congo to get to Leopoldville (Kinshasa, formerly Belgian Congo) and then attended the conference organized in Bakwanga in Southern Kasai, in July 1962. He had long interviews with HM Chief Kalonji of South Kasai. The reception of the Rosicrucians and the political authorities was marked by respect, affection and hospitality.

Vers Kimbangu

august 31, 1962


Second European Convention

At the initiative of Raymond Bernard, from 31st August to 2nd September, in Paris, under the presidency of the Imperator

september 1962


Convention in Casablanca

The Imperator was also present.

november 1962


Receives the title Docteur en Philosophie (h.c.)

In November 1962, we read in a newsletter "The Grand Master Raymond Bernard has just been awarded the title of 'Doctor of Philosophy" (hc)

january 1963


First journey to Egypt

Organized by the Grand Lodge for the French-speaking countries for its members. Thirteen days in January 1963 were planned to provide sufficient time for a visit as complete as possible. The trip had for its official guide a Rosicrucian, an Egyptologist at the Ecole du Louvre and project leader at the Museum of National Antiquities.

july 1963


First visit to Haiti

In July 1963, Raymond Bernard, as Grand Master, visited Haiti for the first time. A meeting was held at the Lodge. He was accompanied by the Grand Councillor for Switzerland.

july 14, 1963


World Convention at San Jose

From 14th to 19th July, the 39th World Convention

september 7, 1963


Convention in Great Britain

7, 8 and 9th September, in London

november 27, 1963


Visit to Dahomey

Elevation of a Chapter to the status of Lodge; nomination of a Grand Councillor for Dahomey.

december 1963


Ecstasy or Cosmic Communion

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 48

Revue Rose-Croix n° 48, extrait

march 1964



Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 49

Revue Rose-Croix n°49

march 6, 1964


Visit to Togo

From 6th to 6th March. The first national Convention at Lomé was held.

june 1964


The Modern Mystic

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 50 (inside front cover)

Revue Rose-Croix n° 50, extrait

june 1964


Receives the honour of civic Officer of Merit

In the Monthly Bulletin for June one could read : "Raymond Bernard just been given the honour of an officer of Civic Merit award with the silver medal (the award was given at the end of May during a ceremony presided over by General Legentilhomme ). "

july 10, 1964


Gold Medal of Arts, Sciences and Letters

RB was awarded the Gold Medal of Arts, Sciences and Letters (a distinction which was received, with others, in April during a ceremony presided over by a government official) - No. 12677E

Arts Sciences et Lettres, 10 juillet 1964

september 1964


The power of example

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 51

Revue Rose-Croix n° 51, extrait

september 1964


The French jurisdiction is the largest in Europe

The Imperator acknowledged the considerable development within the French jurisdiction directed by Raymond Bernard. It became the largest in Europe and the second in the world.

september 4, 1964


European Convention in Paris

At the instigation of Raymond Bernard, from the 4th to 6th September, in the presence of the Imperator.

Revue Rose-Croix n° 52, extrait

september 5, 1964


Commandeur du Mérite National (F)

Raymond Bernard Lewis and Ralph were given the cravat of Commander of Merit and the French National Gold Medal of Arts, Sciences and Letters.

september 1964


United Kingdom Convention

United Kingdom Convention in London, 12-13 September, in the presence of the Imperator.

december 1964



Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 52 (inside front cover)

january 1, 1965


Appointment of a Regional Chancellor

This was Marcel Laperruque (see also 17/01/1960, domain OMT)

march 1965



Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 53 (inside front cover)

Revue Rose-Croix n° 53, extrait 1
Revue Rose-Croix n° 53, extrait 2

march 14, 1965


Journey to Egypt

From March 14 to 29, where he directed initiation ceremonies. The ritual had been instigated by H.S. Lewis, the first Imperator.

april 1965


Appoints an Inspector General

Appointment of Marcel Laperruque as Inspector General (see also 17/01/1960, domain OMT)

april 4, 1965


Consecration of the Grand Temple

At Villeneuve Saint Georges, by the Imperator

september 1965



Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 55 (inside front cover)

Revue Rose-Croix n° 55, extrait

september 21, 1965


Reorganisation of the French Jurisdiction

Decreed by R.M. Lewis and implemented by Raymond Bernard, it led to the removal of all functions of the Grand Lodge except Grand Master, who then took direct supervision of all subordinate bodies, and the removal of the Consistory and the Advisory Committee of Wise Men (which became the Court of Arbitration and Justice).

december 25, 1965


Commandeur de l’Ordre du P.A.H.C

R.M. Lewis and Raymond Bernard were awarded the distinction of "Commander of the Order of P.A.H.C." (Patrie, Art, Humanisme, Civisme).

Patrie - Arts - Humanisme - Civisme, 1965

april 23, 1966


Conclave at Leeds (UK)

23rd and 24th April. He delivered a lecture.

august 4, 1966


Becomes Supreme Legate

Following the death of Martha Lewis, widow of the first Imperator, the Supreme Board of AMORC, San Jose (California), at its meeting of August 4, elected Raymond Bernard as a Board Member, and assigned him the function of Supreme Legate.

Revue Rose-Croix n° 93, extrait

september 2, 1966


4th European Convention in London

2nd to 4th September

february 1967


First meeting with Kamal Joumblatt

While returning from a trip to Israel and Jordan, he stopped in Beirut, hosted by Justice Minister Fouad Rizk. The latter introduced him to Kamal Jumblatt, the Druze leader, founder of the PSP. Deep spiritual affinities lead to spiritual friendship between the two men.

march 1967


Nomination of an Inspector General

This was Robert Devaux, who would subsequently be initiated into the New Order of the Temple (ORT), along with Julien Origas (see 23/09/1968, Temple domain)

march 24, 1967


Journey to Marocco

From 24th to 28th March a visit to the Atlantis Lodge

may 1967


"Meetings with a secret order: The Druzes"

First release (a private edition) of the account; subsequently made public by Editions Rosicruciennes early 1970.

Les druzes - extrait 1
Les druzes - extrait 2

may 1, 1967


Vermeil Medal of Civic Merit

It was already decorated with the silver.

august 1967


Dutch Grand Lodge

This inoguration indluded the installation of a Grand Master (jurisdictions are by language : one Grand Master per language).

september 16, 1967


Annual Convention of Great Britain

The conclave was honoured by the presence of the Imperator and his wife, Gladys.

march 1968



Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 65 (inside front cover)

Revue Rose-Croix n° 65, extrait 1
Revue Rose-Croix n° 65, extrait 2

march 23, 1968


Third National Convention in Paris

From 23rd to 24th March, with the participation of Arthur Piepenbrink (Supreme Office)

Revue Rose-Croix n° 66, extrait

april 1968


"Secret Houses of the Rose+Croix"

First release (a private edition) of the account; subsequently made public by Editions Rosicruciennes early 1970.

One can find the original text, posted at his request in 2004, the site-www.tradition mystique.net.or directly via the link below

Les maisons secrètes de la rose-croix - extrait 1
Les maisons secrètes de la rose-croix - extrait 2

april 1968


"The Hunchback of Amsterdam"

First release (a private edition) of the account; subsequently made public by Editions Rosicruciennes early 1970.

One can find the original text, posted at his request in 2004, the site-www.tradition mystique.net or directly via the link below

Le bossu d'Amsterdam - extrait 1
Le bossu d'Amsterdam - extrait 2

april 20, 1968


Brighton Conclave

20th and 21st April by invitation of Grand Master Raymond Andrea

june 1968


Freedom of conscience in AMORC

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 66 (inside front cover)

july 7, 1968


44th World Convention at San Jose

From 7th to 12th July. Raymond Bernard conducted the first French language convocation in the Supreme Temple.

september 1968


A New Society

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 67 (inside front cover)

Revue Rose-Croix n° 67, extrait

september 23, 1968


Templar transmission in Chartres

In the crypt of Chartres Cathedral, in a brief and discreet ceremony at noon, he transmitted the Templar tradition that he had received to Robert Devaux and Julien Origas, in accordance with the instructions he had received from his initiator. This is reported in the original version of Secret Rendez vous in Rome. See the story at http://www.tradition-mystique.net/biblio_rome.html

october 4, 1968


5th European Convention

From 4th to 6th October at Frankfurt, in the presence of the Imperator

november 1968


"Secret Rendez-vous in Rome"

First release (a private edition) of the account; subsequently made public by Editions Rosicruciennes early 1970

One can find the original text, posted at his request in 2004, the site : http://www.tradition mystique.net or directly via the link below:.

Rendez-vous secret à Rome - extrait 1
Rendez-vous secret à Rome - extrait 2

november 1968


"The Invisible Empire"

First release (a private edition) of the account; subsequently made public by Editions Rosicruciennes early 1970.

L'empire invisible - extrait

november 1968


"Ahmed, the Guild of Thieves"

First release (a private edition) of the account; subsequently made public by Editions Rosicruciennes early 1970.

Ahmed de la corporation des voleurs - extrait 1
Ahmed de la corporation des voleurs - extrait 2

january 1969


Nomination of Pierre Crimetz

Appointed to the National Council for Promotion, Pierre Crimetz would later deal specifically with Martinism.

march 1969


Internal Harmony

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 69 (inside front cover)

Revue Rose-Croix n° 69, extrait

april 2, 1969


National Convention at Cotonou, Benin

The 2nd to 4th April; followed by a visit to the Ivory Coast from 6th to 8th April

may 16, 1969


Visit to Senegal and Mauritania

september 1969


Moral Honesty

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 71

Revue Rose-Croix n° 71, extrait
Revue Rose-Croix n° 71, extrait 2

september 6, 1969


Fourth National Convention in Paris

6th and 7th September.

september 18, 1969


Convention in Lomé, Togo

From 18th to 23rd September

october 1969


Cosmic Initiation - Messages from the Cathedral ...

First release of the story "Cosmic Initiation - Messages from the Cathedral of the Soul", a private edition, this was made public by Editions Rosicruciennes early 1970.

One can find the original text, posted at his request in 2004, the site : http://www.tradition mystique.net or directly via the link below:

october 17, 1969


Strange Encounters

First release of the narrative "Strange Encounters" (private edition), subsequently made public by Editions Rosicruciennes, early in 1976.

One can find the original text, posted at his request in 2004, the site : http://www.tradition mystique.net or directly via the link below:

Rencontres avec l'insolite - extrait

october 26, 1969


Receives the Médaille d'Or de l'Etoile Civique

Etoile civique, 26 octobre 1969

november 1969


Acquisition of the Château d’Omonville

This chateau is located in Normandy, the premises of Villeneuve Saint Georges had become too cramped. The chateau was restored and fitted out to accomodate the services of the Grand Lodge. The move became effective in 1971.

november 18, 1969


Going to the convention of Togo

From 18th to 23rd November, he went to Lomé in Togo for a Rosicrucian convention.He was accompanied by Emmanuel David.

Revue Rose-Croix n° 73, extrait

december 1969



Article in the Rosicrucian Review n°72( the same theme was studied again in n°88)

Revue Rose-Croix n° 88, extrait

january 1970


"Messages from the Celestial Sanctum"

New Edition: Editions Rosicruciennes.

Messages du sanctum céleste - extrait

january 1970


"The Secret Houses of the Rose-Croix"

New Edition: Editions Rosicruciennes.

Les maisons secrètes de la rose-croix - extrait 1
Les maisons secrètes de la rose-croix - extrait 2

april 1970


Second visit to the Ivory Coast

The first was in April 1967, after Benin (see 2/4/1969).

june 1970


"The Good and The Bad"

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 74

Revue Rose-Croix n° 74, extrait

july 1, 1970


Visit to Haiti; activates Martinism

From 1st to 5th July, as the Supreme Legate, he visited Haiti once again and initiated the first Haitian members of the Martinist Order. On this occasion, he conducted a special Experience for which he had two authorizations, having already performed it at the Jeanne Guesdon Lodge in Paris. He was accompanied by Fr V. Valerio, Italy.

september 1970


The Modern Mystic

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 75

Revue Rose-Croix n° 75, extrait

october 26, 1970


Creation of the ORT

With the endorsement of Ralph M. Lewis, Raymond Bernard founded the ORT (Renovated Order of the Temple) as an Association of the Law 1901, registered in Mantes-la-Jolie (Yvelines, France), published in J.O. on 17/11/1970.

january 1971


"Fragments of Rosicrucian Wisdom"

Editions Rosicruciennes

Fragments de sagesse rosicrucienne - extrait 1
Fragments de sagesse rocicrucienne - extrait 2

january 1971


Prolegomena "Pythagoreanism"

He wrote a series of talks on the Greek tradition and Pythagoreanism, the last three on a study of the fundamental texts of the mystics in India. These were to serve as a basis for written teaching within the framework of a Pythagorean "Path", which had no immediate operative expression in this form but was later incorporated into the OSTI.

january 25, 1971


Grand Cross of Honour

He is awarded the Grand Cross of Honour of the Franco-British Association.

Grande Croix d'honneur - Association Franco-Britannique, 25 janvier 1971

april 1971


Breaks with the ORT

Raymond Bernard relinquished the chairmanship of the ORT. He was replaced in this function by J. Origas, Grand Seneschal of the Order, who became its Grand Master.

august 10, 1971


Ivory Coast. Creation of the O.S.A.T.A.

This was his 3rd visit to the Ivory Coast. He participated in the first National Convention of AMORC 8th, 9th and 10th October 1971.

He also created the O.S.A.T.A. : Ancient and Secret Order of African Traditions.

The objective of the O.S.A.T.A. was : to fight efffectively against the forces of witchcraft, sorcery and black magic that could disrupt some members in their quest for light.

For nearly 30 years, the O.S.A.T.A. helped many Africans in this regard and with great efficiency. Raymond Bernard terminated the activities of the order permanently some time later.

september 1971


The Order R+C AMORC

Article in the Rosicrucian Review N° 79

december 13, 1971


Interviewed by Jacques Chancel (Radioscopie)

Raymond Bernard was invited by Jacques Chancel onto his broadcast programme Radioscopie (on France-Inter)

december 1971


He retires completely from the ORT

Raymond Bernard retired from the Board of the ORT and all activities within that movement, to devote himself exclusively to his new post of Grand Master and Supreme Legate. He left the entire burden of the conduct and destinies of the ORT to Julien Origas. He kept a contact through correspondence counselling with J. Origas.

february 5, 1972


Wedding of his son Christian in Brussels

Raymond Bernard conducts the Rosicrucian wedding ceremony of his son Christian with Hélène Lefort. This event is reported by the Belgian daily newspaper Le Soir in the February 6th and 7th edition.

LE SOIR BXL 6-7.02.1972

february 21, 1972


He invites the dignitaries of the OM to an OMT Conventicle.

Raymond Bernard,then Grand Master of the TMO, decided to give a fraternal invitation to the Martinist Order of Papus, which was then represented by its dignitaries(at that time Irénée S : Grand Master and Philippe Encausse :Honorary Grand Master) . This meeting took place in la Maison des ingénieurs, rue Jean Goujon, and the review L'Initiation January-February-March 1972 indicates that there were many participants.

march 1972


Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 75

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 81 (inside back cover).

march 1972


You ...

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 81.

Revue Rose-Croix n° 81, extrait

april 26, 1972


Member of the SGDL

He fulfilled the requirements to become contributing member of the Société des Gens de Lettres

Adhérent de la SGDL, 26 avril 1972

may 1972


ORT now under the exclusive authority of J. Origas

J. Origas, Grand Master of the ORT.

june 1972


Ecstasy or Cosmic Communion

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 82.

Revue Rose-Croix n° 82, extrait

july 1972


Visit to Haiti

He went to the 20th anniversary of the Pasqually Martinez Lodge, accompanied by his wife Yvonne, the Grand Secretary for France, himself accompanied by his wife, and his stepmother, Grand Counsellor for Northern France. As Supreme Legate and Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order AMORC, he unveiled a plaque to announce the expansion work of the Lodge and raised two brothers, including the President of the Republic, to the rank of Knights Rose-Croix . He also went to Leogane, where the temple of Pasqually Martinez is situated.

Temple de Martines de Pasqually à Léogane
La délégation devant le temple à Léogane

september 1972


AMORC and the Technique of Initiation

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 83.

october 16, 1972


Resignation from the ORT

Raymond Bernard resigned from the ORT. Any link between AMORC and the ORT was officially and permanently severed. There would be no further correspondence or other relationship with the ORT.

october 28, 1972


Grand Council of Clermont-Ferrand

Completed by a Magisterial Seminar.
Because some Rosicrucians were recruiting among the members of their Order into other organizations, including the Temple, Raymond Bernard isued a Magisterial Edict which clarified the position, loyalty and commitment of each responsible member vis-à-vis AMORC. This clarification was intended to stop dissidents disrupting the work of the various Organisations. It also clarified his own position, stating unequivocally that he had no function, secret or not, other than that which he fulfilled within AMORC.

december 1972


Hierarchy and Discipline

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 84.

january 1973


"New Messages from the Clelestial Sanctum"

Editions Rosicruciennes

Nouveaux messages du sanctum céleste - extrait

march 1973



Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 85.

Revue Rose-Croix n° 85, extrait

september 1973


The Assistance of the Cosmic Masters

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 87.

Revue Rose-Croix n° 87, extrait

september 1973


World Convention at Montreux, Switzerland

With several representatives from the Suprem Grand Lodge

june 1974


Cause and Effect

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 90 (inset ½ page)

june 1974


Freedom of Conscience

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 90.

september 1974


The Modern Mystic

Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 91.

december 1974



Article in the Rosicrucian Review No. 92.

Revue Rose-Croix n° 92, extrait

march 1975


Visit to Grotta Ferrata

He met with the town Mayor (see Secret Rendez vous in Rome, the book in which he recounts his initiation into the Templar Tradition in Grotta Ferrata).

march 11, 1976


Visit to Haiti

From March 11th to 14th, as Supreme Legate, he inaugurated the Auditorium of the Lodge and devoted two days to receive almost all the members, more than 200 in number, in private meetings.

november 5, 1975


Creation of the Chateau of Silence

For many years Raymond Bernard, in his capacity of Grand Master, had envisaged a place of mystical meditation and retreat. This place took form through the purchase of a medieval chateau, surrounded by a five-hectare park, about 20 kilometers from Lyon, which the Order had with effect from 5 November 1975. It was called "The Chateau of Silence" and was devoted exclusively to meditation. Members who wished so could stay for a period of three, five, seven or ten days each. The project was made possible thanks to the support of Juliette G., who was the Superintendent, resident there permanently. The brief but strict rules, set by Raymond Bernard for this centre, were based on simplicity, austerity and silence. Several daily group meditations took place in various rooms devoted to this work. In the "High Chamber", members on mystical retreat would, in turn, maintain a service of meditation for 24 hours a day. Silence was a requirement except at certain very specific times. Individual work was also encouraged, with each retreat member having a cell.
The Imperator who visited the area in August with the Grand Master, said that this "jewel" would benefit members worldwide.
The activities of the Chateau of Silence were scheduled to begin on 1 February 1976.
The Castle would host a large number of members for several years.

august 1976


Japan, Thailand and the Philippines

He met,in particular, Filipino healers (Josephina Sison)

september 27, 1976


Travel to Egypt, Cheops

The first ritualization of the mysticism that later would become the basis of the Templar ritual was held in the Great Pyramid, during an initiatory journey organized within the framework of AMORC. He repeated this once again in the Great Pyramid, the following year.

july 1977


Relinquishes his responsibility as Grand Master of AMORC

21 years after he settled in Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, being anxious to make way for a new generation in the conduct of spiritual movements, he announced to the Supreme Grand Lodge his wish to retire as Grand Master while continuing to assume his position of worldwide Supreme Legate. The national French had by then increased from about 700 members in 1956 to between 38- and 39- thousand members.

august 1977


World Convention in Paris

It ran from August 4th to 7th. Raymond Bernard had resigned his office of Grand Master. By decision of the Supreme Grand Lodge, Christian Bernard was appointed to succeed him. He was thereby installed as fourth Grand Master of AMORC (for the French language jurisdiction) on Sunday, August 7th, 1977.

september 20, 1977


6-week trip to India

Accompanied by Jean-Marc A., he began a journey which led from North to South, including Kashmir, Sikkim, Trivandrum, Varanasi, Dharamsala, etc.. He had many meetings and spent several stays in ashrams.

december 8, 1977


Heart attack

He experienced a myocardial infarction, he was hospitalized in Normandy and was convalescing for several months.

june 1978


The Egregor of the Rosicrucian Order AMORC

An explanatory article in the Rosicrucian Review, No. 106. He defined Egregor as follows: "The combination of both terrestrial and supra-terrestrial entities to form a unified hierarchy moved by a compelling idea" and went on to develop the application of this concept.

march 29, 1979


General Conclave at Strasbourg

March 29th to April 1st, General Conclave of the French Speaking Countries in Strasbourg

Revue Rose-Croix n° 110, extrait

june 21, 1980


Rosicrucian Day in Paris

At the Palais des Congres, Porte Maillot.

july 15, 1980


"Dossiers de l’Ecran" about Cagliostro

Raymond Bernard was invited onto "Dossiers de l’Ecran" on Antenne 2, on the theme of Cagliostro, with Philippe Encausse, Antoine Faivre and François Ribadeau Dumas.

october 1980


Creation of the OCM

Pierre Crimetz , in charge of OMT, stepped down to create the "Ordre des Chevaliers Martinistes"; this was an amicable separation with Raymond Bernard who invited everyone to continue with respect and tolerance. Pierre Crimetz, born in 1932, died on 23rd of november 2012.

february 3, 1981


Official visit to the Ivory Coast

From 3rd to 21st February

Revue Rose-Croix n° 118, Abidjan 1981

may 28, 1981


Gereral Conclave at Toulouse

From 28th to 31st May, for French-speaking countries.

Revue Rose-Croix n° 119, extrait

july 1981


World Convention at Wembley(UK)

Invited to the World Convention at Wembley (UK).

november 28, 1981


General Conventicle of the OMT in Paris

28th and 29th November, chaired by the Grand Master (Christian Bernard): Guest of Honour, Raymond Bernard, Supreme Legate, who chaired two of the four Conventicles.

Rencontre martiniste à Amboise

november 12, 1982


Interview with Serge Caillet about the R + C

Serge Caillet, historian of occultism talked with Raymond Bernard about the Rosicrucian Order. This interview - entirely recorded - took place in Paris at the Cultural Center of the Rosicrucian AMORC, and was published as The Rosicrucian Order , by Editions rosicruciennes in 1983 .
The Serge Caillet website is :

november 1982


Days of study and reflection

He hosted a series of seminars entitled "Days of Study and Reflection" comprising three sessions on 13 and 14 November 1982, 4 and 5 December 1982, 5 and 6 February 1983, on "The Purpose of Rosicrucian initiation". The seminars took place in the cultural center of AMORC, rue Saint-Martin, in Paris.

january 1983


Journey to Haiti

In January 1983, he made ​​his last trip to Haiti, as Supreme Legate, accompanied by his wife, to celebrate, along with over 300 members, the 30th anniversary of the Martinez Pasqually Lodge.

january 16, 1983


Official visit to Martinique

From 16th to 24th January

Revue Rose-Croix n° 126, titre
Revue Rose-Croix n° 126, extrait

february 8, 1983


Commander of the Order of Valour (Cameroon)

Commandeur de l'Ordre de la Valeur, 8 février 1983

april 1984


National Convention of Greece

At Athens, Raymond Bernard attended in his capacity of Supreme Legate.

june 1984


Avignon Seminar

Raymond Bernard presented a seminar in Avignon.

august 1984


World Convention in Copenhagen

Raymond Bernard attended the World Convention of AMORC in Copenhagen in his capacity as Supreme Legate.

Raymond Bernard, Copenhague, 1984

december 1, 1984


Days of study and reflection

He hosted two "Days of Study and Reflection" on the theme "The Rosicrucian approach to the problems of life, liberty, disease, death, and civilization". These seminars took place at the Cultural Center of AMORC, in Paris on December 1 and 2.

march 29, 1985


Cannes Convention

From 29th to 31st March. Convention for the French-speaking countries.

may 19, 1985

BIO [Audio]

Interview on Radio 3

In this broadcast, Raymond Bernard, interviewed by African presenters, talked about African traditions, the role of traditional Western organizations in the African continent. He also talked about his meetings in Africa; about society, sects; brotherhood, etc..

may 28, 1986


Retires from the Supreme Grand Lodge od AMORC

Extract from Letters from Nowhere (Zotheca Publishing, Montreal, new edition, 2012): the letter, dated June 1987, in which he explained the reasons for his withdrawal.

Lettres de nulle part p. 467
Lettres de nulle part p. 468

july 24, 1986


New York World Convention

It was held from July 24 to 26 at the Marriott Hotel (Times Square). The theme was that of "Freedom and Unity", and many of the Supreme Grand Lodge officers and Grand Masters presented various aspects. On July 25, Raymond Bernard delivered a particular message during a ritual that he conducted.

september 1986


Seminar at Geneva

On the occasion of a Seminar in Geneva, Raymond Bernard announced his official retirement from Rosicrucian activities for health reasons. Naturally he remained a member of AMORC, then numbering nearly 40,000 members.

january 12, 1987


Death of Ralph M Lewis

Death of Ralph M. Lewis. Election of Gary Stewart, the third Imperator of AMORC. Raymond Bernard was appointed to be his personal consultant.

june 26, 1987

BIO [Audio]

Interview on Radio 3

Interview by Radio 3 (Free Radio), The broadcast: Paths of Knowledge (www.tradition-mystique.net/Parcours.html)

october 1987


Installation in Yaounde, Cameroon

Raymond Bernard and Yvonne moved to Yaounde, Cameroon. He wrote most of the writings that formed the basis for the establishment of the future CIRCES.

january 1988


Back from Cameroon

He had already written a number of documents laying the foundations of CIRCES while in Yaounde. In particular, he wrote a "Moral Code" which formed the spiritual foundation of CIRCES, the movement which he announced in January in" Le Monde Inconnu".

Le Code Moral rédigé par Raymond Bernard pour le CIRCES

january 1988


Announces the creation of CIRCES

Raymond Bernard founded the CIRCES (International Circle of Cultural and Spiritual Research) by an announcement in the monthly "Le Monde Inconnu".(The unknown world) The beginning of its activities was on 19th February 1988.

Le Monde Inconnu - janvier 88 - 1ère de couverture

january 1988


What is CIRCES

Presentation by Raymond Bernard about CIRCES (International Circle for Cultural and Spiritual Research), a movement based on action in the world, whose activities began formally February 19th, 1988. Two-page insert in Le Monde Inconnu (The Unknown World) No. 90, January 1988. This section entitled "Message from CIRCES" provided monthly new information about the movement..

Le Monde Inconnu, Janvier 88
Le Monde Inconnu, Janvier 88

february 19, 1988


Message of thanks

February 19th marked the beginning of the activities of CIRCES. Messages began to be sent monthly to members, with practical guidance about how to form workshops and commissions. Since the announcement in le Monde Inconnu, January 88, hundreds of members had already been registered. In the February issue of le Monde Inconnu (No. 91), Raymond Bernard thanked all those who had already responded to the call of CIRCES in the January issue.

Le Monde Inconnu - février 88 - extrait

february 19, 1988


Convention of AMORC in Kara, Togo

The Convention of AMORC at Lama-Kara, Togo was honoured by his presence; this would be his last appearance at an AMORC Convention .

Nouvelle marche 22 février 88 page 1
Nouvelle marche 22 février 88 page 2
Kara, février 1988, en clôture

march 1988


"On what is and what is not the CIRCES"

Details of the movement. He openly introduced the notion of the builder and of personal commitment. Le Monde Inconnu No. 92, March 1988, one page.

Le Monde Inconnu - mars 88 - extrait

april 1988


"Intuitive Hope"

Entitled "Message from CIRCES": He stressed the notions of the builder; of intuitive hope; of a limited membership. Thanks to R. Raziel editor. Le Monde Inconnu No. 93, April 1988, one page.

Le Monde Inconnu - avril 88

may 2, 1988


Haiti, Congo, North Europe

He appointed officials (designated Chancellors) to Haiti, Congo Brazzaville, the Nordic countries.

may 1988


What does CIRCES deliver?

Under the heading "Message from CIRCES" an article on the objectives and methodology; on the membership development as builders and researchers. CIRCES is not a teaching organisation. Le Monde Inconnu, No. 94, May 1988, one page.

june 1988


Voluntary, availability, personal responsibility

Heading "Message from CIRCES": Announcement of the Plenary Constituting Meeting. He reminded people that this is not a mass movement, and is based on the work of volunteers. Le Monde Inconnu, No. 95, June 1988, one page.

Le Monde Inconnu - juin 88 - extrait

june 26, 1988


Plenary Assembly at the Sorbonne

700 members present. Presentation of the complete organization of CIRCES - both exterior and interior. The principle responsible officers introduced themselves, including ten Chancellors representing their countries. Several committees devoted to many areas of research were organized. "We are not like any other school ... we are an open movement, of chivalric inspiration, but where, on the inside, one advances in a slow progressive manner."

july 1988


First Plenary Assembly

Entitled "Message from CIRCES" he gave the Minutes of the first plenary session (600 delegates); announced the Conference in Avignon on 24th-25th September. Le Monde Inconnu, No. 96, July-August 1988, one page.

Le Monde Inconnu - juillet-août 88 - extrait

july 1988


Concerning CIRCES (interview)

A long interview of Raymond Bernard by Erik Pigani. Le Monde Inconnu, No. 96, July-August 1988, three pages.

september 1988


Positioning and values ​​(tolerance, respect).

Under the heading "Message from CIRCES", an article, returning to and supplementing the Plenary Assembly of June, about the organization of CIRCES, about the values of tolerance and understanding. Le Monde Inconnu, No. 97, September 1988, one page.

Le Monde Inconnu - septembre 88 - extrait

september 25, 1988


First Avignon Colloque : the OSTI

September 24th and 25th. He established the Sovereign Order of the Initiatic Temple (OSTI), in the Papal Palace in Avignon, at the first CIRCES Symposium, by conducting 45 initiations. "On September 25th 1988, was the manifestation of a particular expression of the Tradition : OSTI, the achievement of an inception phase of 219 days since February 19th, 1988, the creation date of CIRCES - They are only the visible part of a process that began long before" .
The first part of a symbolic Mystery play that would form a "SublimeTétralogie" over the following Symposia in Avignon was presented. The Grail would be one of their principle symbols.

Palais des Papes, Avignon, 1988

september 25, 1988



He appointed an official for Switzerland.
Each country where CIRCES is active is named Chancellery . It is run by a" Chancellor"

october 1988


Chancellleries, committees.

Heading "Message from CIRCES" About the rapid development of the CIRCES and organization put in place internationally, creating committees with their subjects. Le Monde Inconnu, No. 98, October 1988, one page.

october 11, 1988


Brazil, Portugal

He nominiated officers for Brazil and Portugal.

november 1988



Article under the heading "Message from CIRCES" : a very significant focus was given, namely :on the genesis, the approach of the member, on the independence ot the organisation, on some hostile reactions, etc.. Le Monde Inconnu, No. 99, November 1988, three pages.

Le Monde Inconnu - novembre 88 - extraits

december 1988


Moral Code

Article: "Message from CIRCES" about the existence of the Moral Code; respect for religions: friendship, freedom; Installation of the permanent headquarters. Le Monde Inconnu, No. 100, December 1988, two pages.

Le Monde Inconnu - décembre 88 - extrait

december 29, 1988


Zaire, Isreal, Cyprus

He nominated officers for Zaire, Israel, Cyprus.

january 29, 1989



Nominated a Chancellor for Luxembourg.

february 18, 1989


Plenary Assembly at the Sorbonne

Plenary Assembly at the Sorbonne in the Richelieu amphitheater; RB and several other speakers on "The Chivalry of the New Age"; "Knowledge of Science and Evolution of Consciousness"; "The art of living in the twenty-first century"; "The Grail cycle and Magical Genealogies"; "The Presence of Pythagoras in the Age of Aquarius"; " Music Through the Ages".

Le Monde Inconnu - février 89 - extrait
Sorbonne, février 1989

march 29, 1989


Benin, Madagascar

He nominated Chancellors for Benin, Madagascar

april 1989


The CIRCES, a work of reflection with a view to action

Article "Message from CIRCES" : This concerned hostile attitudes and the need for tolerance; Proceedings of the 2nd Plenary Session. Le Monde Inconnu,
No. 104, April 89, one page.

Sur la création du CIRCES en 1988

may 1989



Article "Message from CIRCES" : Further development of the theme of Tolerance. Le Monde Inconnu, No. 105, May 89, one page.

Le Monde Inconnu - mai 89 - extrait

may 10, 1989



He nominated an officer for Italy

june 10, 1989



He nominated a Chancellor for the USA (Onslow Wilson).

june 24, 1989


Cenacle of CIRCES in Paris

In the Descartes Amphitheatre of the Sorbonne. More than 600 members attended this first Cenacle. Various subjects about the world were treated by several speakers: "Humanity at the dawn of 3rd Millennium"; "The art of living in the 21st century"; "Health within a universal vision of man"; "Chivalry at the dawn of 3rd Millennium"; "Revolutionary Perspectives on Rights and Duties of Man"; "CIRCES: the coming of a spiritual age"; "Knowledge of science and evolution of consciousness" .

july 4, 1989



He nominated a Chancellor for Columbia.

september 23, 1989


Second Colloque at Avignon

At the Palais des Papes 23rd and 24th September, 1989. The second part of the "Sublime Tetralogie" was presented. He also spoke of the "mass of symbols that the ceremony includes and which have their own importance." The value of humility.

november 19, 1989


Detailed history of the TMO

In the monthly bulletin No. 20 of CIRCES, he responded to questions about the TMO. He wrote, "The Traditional Martinist Order is one of the most valuable traditions of our time. Moreover, it was to Raymond Bernard himself, that the mission to restore the Order in France had been assigned. The Order, as it exists in France, is absolutely regular in terms of initiation and tradition." He added that "He always regretted very much that the Martinist work in the United States, was not to be recognized by other Martinist movements in the world. In that country, only Dr. Harvey Spencer Lewis, Ralph M. Lewis, James R. Whitcomb and Duane Jess Freeman were initiated in an incontestably regular basis." This clarification was made ​​following a new spiritual direction of the TMO at the initiative of its French officials.

december 17, 1989


First Convent at La Villedieu

On January 7th, 1990 because of the number of participants (limited to 400) in the chapel of the Templars at La Villedieu - Yvelines. Each year, at a date close to the Epiphany, he hosted an international plenary meeting.

Commanderie de la Villedieu, 1989

january 1990


Letters from Nowhere

2 Volumes, Editions Rosicruciennes.

The author wrote "The Letters from Nowhere" to reveal aspects of his life which, from 1977 to 1988, took him on a trip to India to investigate oriental wisdom, allowed him to inquire into the memory of esoteric movements of the 20th century and to meet with Kamal Jumblatt and the Druze and his personal archives. The book was written in the easy and familiar style of a private correspondence. He used that approach because he wanted to release them from the time and space to which they bore witness so that they might reveal something more about human nature in its quest for spirituality in everyday life. These letters also dealt with the Primordial Tradition, life and death, prayer, meditation, consciousness, divination, psychic abilities and spiritual practices. Also mentioned are the major players within the Tradition (the Rosicrucians, Freemasonry, Martinism) - Stanislas de Gaita, Josephin Peladan, Jeanne Guesdon, H.S. Lewis, Papus - as well as unusual and providential encounters which enliven this immersion in Eastern cultures (Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism).

Les Lettres de Nulle Part - extrait 1
Les Lettres de Nulle Part - extrait 2

march 24, 1990


First Voyage to Portugal

From 24/03 to 01/04/1990. Within the framework of CIRCES, he organized and led the first trip to Portugal with nearly 50 participants, following in the footsteps of the Templars. He was to lead such voyages almost every year until 1997.

may 18, 1990


African Colloque at Abidjan

From 18th to 20th May 90 - African Traditional Medicine. Activities of the Inner CIRCES also took place and continued in Lome, Togo.

june 1, 1990


Commander of the Order of Mono (Togo)

Ordre du Mono, 1er juin 1990

june 23, 1990


Cenacle of CIRCES in Paris

Paris, the Sorbonne, 700 members were present. He regretted not being able to receive a greater number of participants.

july 1990


Mandements of the OSATA

During the months of July and August, he wrote several messages for the OSATA, and completed those proposed to him from experiments designed to develop a method of initiatic sensitivity and personal awakening, which addressed all sorts of things for personal reflection. This OSATA is completely different from what he had created for Africa (see August 10, 1971). The official launch was planned for October 1990.

september 22, 1990


Third Colloque at Avignon

At the Palais des Papes on 22nd and 23rd September, 1990. Third installment of the Sublime Tetralogie. Values ​​and influence of the Pythagorean School. Knowledge of symbols, of image and number. Activation of the Pythagorean component. "Without the mystery, life would be unbreathable".

october 14, 1990


Trip to the Cathar region

He organised and led a week-long initiatic journey in the Cathar region.

october 1990



An announcement was made to the members of CIRCES about the establishment of OSATA (Sovereign Order of Ancient Traditions Arcanes), on January 19th, 1991; this was an approach based on contact through correspondence.

january 1991


Admission to the GLF

With the backing of Jean-Pierre Bayard and Maurice Attar, he was admitted within the GLF (Grand Lodge of France). His previous initiations were recognized and he integrated with the Trinitarians.

january 6, 1991


Second Convent at La Villedieu

Plenary Convent to celebrate the Feast of Epiphany.

Commanderie de la Villedieu, 1991

february 16, 1991


Plenary Assembly at the Sorbonne

Conference "From Krishnamurti to Mother" and a seminar with the Grand Chancellor in which he examined the activities of CIRCES

may 15, 1991


Benin Colloque

From 15 th to 20th May 91: Theme "The traditional authentic values of Africa within a modern development of the continent", followed by activities of the Inner aspect of CIRCES.

Raymond Bernard, Bénin, 1991

june 19, 1991



He nominated a Chancellor for Australia.

september 1991


The Secret Citadelle of the Sages

He wrote the introduction to this narrative, inserted in an internal publication of CIRCES, distributed by subscription. This story would take the form of a series of letters between a character named Gunther and the writer.

Couverture Introduction Citadelle
Citadelle cachée des sages - introduction

september 21, 1991


Fourth Colloque at Avignon

At the Palais des Papes, 21st and 22nd September: The 4th installment of the Sublime Tetralogie. Two guest speakers: JP Bayard and Peter Roche de Coppens. "The Wisdom of the Soul of the Self is Being and Being is Love" ... "Developing a Love of the Truth of Wisdom".

september 25, 1991


Restructuring of CIRCES. End of the OSATA

Besides a reorganization and the introduction of the elective process for officials, he decided to stop any form of teaching within the CIRCES and stopped sending any form of regular communication (this applied to CIRCES, the OSATA ( see 19/10/90) and the OSTI, thus favouring only oral communication and collegiate work. The Articles were amended to that effect. Each country would henceforth operate on the same principles, but was independent and accountable for its actions. This development would pose a problem for the U.S.A.

october 18, 1991


USA Colloque at Indianapolis

On 18th/19th/20th October. He was the Guest of Honour.

january 5, 1992


Third Convent at La Villedieu

Plenary Convent to celebrate the Feast of Epiphany.

february 22, 1992


Plenary Assembly at the Sorbonne

Conference on "The sublime teaching of the esoteric Tarot". Also, Raymond Bernard held a seminar where he examined the activities of CIRCES.

march 28, 1992


Second Voyage to Portugal

april 1992


The Secret Citadelle of the Sages - I

Preparation of the First Epistle of the Secret Citadelle of the Sages, distributed on 25th April to subscribers.

Couverture Epistole 1 Citadelle
Extrait Epistole 1 Citadelle

april 11, 1992


Letter from the Chancellor of the USA

The restructuring announced on 25th September, 1991 had been accepted and applied in all countries.

A letter from the Chancellor for the U.S.A., however, reported difficulties in applying the new rules (especially the participation fee for the documents sent from the International Headquarters).

may 18, 1992


Letter from the Chancellor of the USA

This letter sets out more specifically that the American association cannot pay the participation fee. In addition the American culture required him not to implement fully the new provisions.

may 26, 1992


CIRCES breaks with the U.S.A.

Because of the different direction the Chancellor in the USA wished to follow, Raymond Bernard decided, after consultation with the Board, to suspend all administrative links between CIRCES USA and the MCI, which allowed the Chancellor to develop his own project. The only requirement was that the Interior CIRCES work (OSTI) must follow the rules and guidelines of the MCI. However, the instructions given in the following years by Raymond Bernard on the Templar Tradition were not obeyed and a definitive break was to be ratified in 2006.

Lettre 26/05/1992 RB à OW p1
Lettre 26/05/1992 RB à OW p2 extraits

june 14, 1992


Seminar in Geneva

He hosted a two-day seminar in Geneva on 13th and 14th June, at the International Conference Centre in Geneva (400 participants)

Raymond Bernard, Séminaire de Genève, 1992
Raymond Bernard, Séminaire de Genève, juin 1992

july 28, 1992


Cancelled his participation in the Symposium in Dallas

Symposium to be held in November 1992, to which Raymond Bernard had been invited. Cancellation was a logical consequence of the letter dated 26th May

september 12, 1992


Fifth Colloque at Avignon

This last Colloque was held on 12th and 13th September. Topics included : "The Initiate in the New World." The 5th esoteric point. The extreme importance of forgiveness. "By acting and not just looking, a Knight Templar has an exceptional task to accomplish. "..." The Mission which is ours: humility in understanding that even if we were nothing in ourselves, we become a unit for service in the world. "..." Gift to others in Service ... "

october 1, 1992


Visit to the Grand Commandery of Cyprus

From 1st to 10th October

december 1992


The Secret Citadelle of the Sages - II

Production of the Second Epistle, reserved for members of CIRCES.

Extrait Epistole 2 Citadelle

january 10, 1993


Fourth Convent at La Villedieu

Plenary Convent to celebrate the Feast of Epiphany.

march 1993


The Secret Citadelle of the Sages - III

Production of the Third Epistle.

Extrait Epistole 3 Citadelle

may 28, 1993


Third Voyage to Portugal

From 28th May to 6th June.

may 30, 1993


First Templar Rule

The first Rule of the Temple, written by Raymond Bernard, the Seneschal and the Marshal, was formally decreed May 30, 1993 at Tomar, in the Convent of Christ.

june 19, 1993


Seminar in the salle Kléber, Paris

This was the second seminar of the OSTI: The work included spiritual reflections taking the form of questions and answers, in the spirit of the oral tradition that the Temple (OSTI) in its modern expression is also mandated to vitalize.

september 1993


Colloquium at Alexandria (USA)

Within the framework of Templar activities in the U.S.A, he responded to the invitation made ​​to him.

september 1, 1993


The fusion of OSTI-CIRCES

Fusion of the OSTI and CIRCES under the name OSTI.

september 1993


The Secret Citadelle of the Sages - IV

Production of the Fourth Epistle.

Extrait Epistole 4 Citadelle

december 9, 1993


New designation for CIRCES

The CIRCES became the International Committee - the cultural, scientific, humanitarian and charitable arm of the OSTI. The recorded sound extract clarified the objective of CIRCES and the object of the OSTI in this next stage.

december 1993


Great Britain, Belgium, Benin

He nominated officers for Great Britain, Belgium, Benin

january 9, 1994


Fifth Convent at La Villedieu

Plenary Convent to celebrate the Feast of Epiphany.

january 1994


The Cosmic Cathedral

Editions Dervy

La Cathédrale Cosmique - extrait 1
La Cathédrale Cosmique - extrait 2

february 1994


The Secret Citadelle of the Sages - V

Production of the Fifth Epistle.

Extrait Epistole 5 Citadelle
La Cathédrale Cosmique - extrait 2

march 1, 1994



He autographed his book "The Cosmic Cathedral" (Dervy) at the bookstore La Hache Solaire in Paris.

Signature 1994

march 19, 1994



He conducted an initiation ceremony in the crypt at Chartres Cathedral.

may 28, 1994


Fourth Voyage to Portugal

From 28th May to 5th June.

june 18, 1994


Moncassin seminar, Paris

The seminar included spiritual work and an exchange in the modern oral form of the Tradition within OSTI.

december 1994


Ivory Coast, Romania, Togo

He installed officers for the Ivory Coast, Romania, Togo

january 15, 1995


Sixth Convent at La Villedieu

Plenary Convent to celebrate the Feast of Epiphany. There was an emphasis on the question of Silence.

april 1995


Teachings of the masters of knowledge

Editions Dervy

Enseignements des Maîtres de la connaissance - extrait 1
Enseignements des Maîtres de la Connaissance - extait 2

april 8, 1995



He dedicated his book "Teachings of the Masters of Knowledge" (Dervy) at the La Hache Solaire bookstore in Paris

may 13, 1995



He dedicated his books at the "Le Monde Inconnu" bookstore, in Paris

january 7, 1996


Seventh Convent at La Villedieu

Plenary Convent to celebrate the Feast of Epiphany.

january 15, 1996


New Designation for CIRCES

Comité International de Recherches Caritatives et Sociales

february 6, 1996


Distancing of the USA from the Templar tradition of the OSTI

The Grand Commander, Onslow Wilson, informed the MCI that Templar operations in the USA would, in future, operate under the name Templar Research Institute (TRI), legally remaining CIRCES International. The notion of education, deleted and now forbidden since September 25, 1991 for all countries was, however, maintained by that Grand Commander.

february 26, 1996


Reframing of the activity of the USA by Raymond Bernard

In response to the letter dated 02.06.96 from the Grand Commander for the USA, he immediately replied by email: "Regarding the change of the name CIRCES , it is very important to remember that this term now represents only purely charitable operations. The initials stand for: Comité d’Initiatives et de Réalisations Caritatives et Sociales (the Committee for Social and Charitable Initiatives and Accomplishments). If it is not possible in your movement to use this name with only this single meaning, it would be better, Onslow, to do away with it, completely and permanently, so that there will be no confusion, as I have already explained to you during your visit to France. I thank you for the attention you will give to this fundamental topic. This must happen so that, at no time in the present or the future, there can be any interpretation or confusion, because that would interfere with our activities with a Committee that is charitable, as you know, and a wonderful organisation. "(Sent by mail Compuserve)

may 25, 1996


Fifth Voyage to Portugal

From 25th May to 2nd June.

june 7, 1996


Preparation for his succession

At Tomar, he installed Yves Jayet as Deputy Grand Master.

july 1996


The Secret Citadelle of the Sages - VI, VII, VIII

He wrote the last three Epistles, the sixth, seventh and eighth. The eighth Epistle was the conclusion of the series. These were all distributed in August-September to subscribers.

Extrait Epistole 6 Citadelle
Extrait Epistole 7 Citadelle
Extrait Epistole 8 Citadelle
Couverture Epistole 8 Citadelle

october 20, 1996


Seminar in the Montcassin seminar rooms in Paris

400 participants

december 7, 1996


Interview with Serge Caillet about the Order of the Temple

Serge Caillet, historian of the occult, interviewed Raymond Bernard to talk about the Order of the Temple This interview - entirely recorded - took place in Paris at the headquarters of the OSTI, and was published in The restored Order of the temple , by Dervy, in 1997, forming chapter VIII. This very informative and accurate book (some events on this site are drawn from it ), presents a detailed history of the renovated Order of the Temple on the basis of archives, records and other personal interviews.
Serge Caillet website:

january 5, 1997


Eighth Convent at La Villedieu

Plenary Convent to celebrate the Feast of Epiphany.

february 2, 1997


New interview with Serge Caillet

Serge Caillet, historian of the occult, interviewed Raymond Bernard to talk about the Order of the Temple This interview - which was recorded - took place in Paris at the headquarters of the OSTI. It was not published as such but was included in the book The restored Order of the temple (Dervy, 1997). See also the event of December 7, 1996.
Serge Caillet website:

february 22, 1997


Interview "My whole life was preordained"

While Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of the Initiatic Temple, he agreed to meet Theodore J. Nottingham for an interview in a magazine devoted to the Tradition. Early in the interview, he said with a laugh that he would, for the occasion, use the name Valaire de Gramscott, his daimon of the day. The meeting took place in the heart of Paris near the Place de la Concorde.

He confided later, being both surprised and amused, that the pseudonym had been spontaneously inspired by the name of Gramsci (specifically Va Gramsci, one of the streets of his Roman journey).

You can read this interview on the website the Baladins de la Tradition:

may 24, 1997


Sixth Voyage to Portugal

From 24th May to 1st June.

may 1997


Transmitted his function of Grand Master of the OSTI

At Tomar (Portugal), Raymond Bernard, at the age of 74, ceased his function at the heart of OSTI and armed Yves Jayet as Grand Master, with the effective date of 15th June 1997. The excerpts below are from the letter he wrote on June 16th addressed to all members of the OSTI, saying he had transferred all of his responsibilities for the OSTI

Lettre du 16 juin 1997 extrait

february 19, 1998


Celebration of 10 years of CIRCES

In Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, there was a Special Convent where he was the special guest of honor. It was his last participation in a meeting of the OSTI and the CIRCES, having retired in June 1997.

april 30, 1999

BIO [Video]

Private video interview: Prayer, life, death.

He gave a private video interview, at his home, where he talked about the Tradition, Africa, prayer, etc.

La prière, la vie, la mort

june 2000

BIO [Video]

Interview by JP Guillaume for a TV programme

As a journalist, Jean-Paul Guillaume has conducted three interviews to recount major periods in Raymond Bernard's life, in particular his first contact with mysticism, age 17 then, how he had developed AMORC since 1956 and finally his motivation to create CIRCES in 1988. Jean-Paul Guillaume gave us his authorization to edit and put on line the recordings made at Villeneuve Saint-Georges on the ocasion of three appointments in the year 2000.The four proposed excerpts are from one of these interviews.

Raymond Bernard - premiers contacts avec la Tradition
Raymond Bernard et la Rose-Croix
Raymond Bernard, le CIRCES, l'OSTI
Raymond Bernard - 3 brèves réflexions

march 2001


The ARB Association. The Friends of Raymond Bernard

In March 2001, Friends of Raymond Bernard created the association ARB (les Amis de Raymond Bernard) to collect the key aspects of the life and work of Raymond Bernard in any form whatsoever : writings, testimonies, photographs, audio and video recordings, letters, ans so on. A thorough research was initially conducted concerning Templar movements, as great confusion were found in newspaper articles that discussed this topic.

The association continues its work of collecting archives (documents, photos) and testimonials. Part of its archives is posted on the site :


march 21, 2001


Raymond Bernard in the Templar Tradition

Clarification of the position of Raymond Bernard in the Templar tradition. A letter from his successor, Y Jayet, concerning the Templar movements, the OSTI and Raymond Bernard. The press took the tragic end of the OTS and sometimes hinted at an influence that Raymond Bernard might have had on this Order. Because the investigation and pending proceedings took several years to demonstrate that this was not the case, it had been thought necessary, in the meantime, to make a detailed, in-depth, documentary about the Templar movements. This is why the association ARB (the "Friends of Raymond Bernard") was created.

Lettre du 21 mars 2001 extraits

march 7, 2003

TMO BIO [Video]

Private interview about Martinism

He tells about his initiatic filiation and how he had developed Martinism in France(OMT) since the 60s.He recalls his contacts with R.Ambelain,P Ebcausse,M.Laperruque..He finally reminds the motto"The largest tolerance in the strictest independence."This interview was given on March 7th 2003 during a stay in a spa town in Switzerland.

Raymond Bernard et le Martinisme

february 25, 2004


He authorised an Internet Site

Through this letter, he expressed his wish that a site be created to give details about his life and his work. He entrusted this work to Alice Ouzounian, a longtime friend. The site is http://www.tradition-mystique.net and it gives access to several of his works in their original text.

Lettre du 25 février 2004, p.1
Lettre du 25 février 2004, p. 2

july 28, 2004


Confusion regarding the Temple and Martinism in the USA

The confusion generated by the integration of a Martinist activity during an OSTI symposium in the USA was the reason for a request by the MCI (the International Headquarters) that the USA organisation clarify their position because the conditions defined in the letter of 26 May 1992 were no longer being followed .

january 10, 2006



Death of Raymond Bernard. His funeral took place at Valenton (France). He had made ​​a will specifying the structure of his cremation ceremony, ensuring that no physical evidence remained. Thus, his ashes were scattered among many others in the surrounding lawn in front of some friends and family.

march 19, 2006



Excerpts from a tribute paid to Raymond Bernard, addressed to those who followed the Templar path that he had established. These exemplified the notions that he cherished: the Epiphany, the void, the work of inspiration, the lack of teachings, action - and his desire to leave no traces other than his work.

Lettre du 19 mars 2006 extraits

december 27, 2006


Separation with CIRCES / OSTI USA ratified

The former Grand Commandery of the USA had become irregular and committed to developing a path different from that established by Raymond Bernard. The MCI (International Headquarters) therefore no longer recognized that structure and prepared the formation of a new regular Grand Commandery.

august 2008


OSTI USA re-created in the regular form

To restore the original project that Raymond Bernard had wished for the U.S., a regular Grand Commandery was reconstituted, with two active houses, one in Miami (which has always remained regular), the other being created in New York.

A new Grand Commander was installed.

may 2012


New edition of The Letters from Nowhere : "Lettres de nulle part"

New expanded edition including 10 autobiographical letters that were not included in the 1990 edition, as well as the testimony of Jean-Marc (he accompanied Raymond Bernard in India, 1977).
Publishing Zotheca, Montreal, 2012, 520 p.
ISBN 978-2-924123-00-3
Available in paper and e-book format for iPad, Kobo and Kindle.
Website of the publisher : http://www.editions-zotheca.com

Lettres de Nulle Part - extrait

may 19, 2012


Launch of the website "Biography"

The site went live online on May 19th with 316 events, in French and English. It will continue to be enriched with new events and media through research and contributions.

may 2023


september 2012


"Les hommes de désir", Serge Caillet

Serge Caillet, an occultism historian, is having an interview with Xavier Cuvelier-Roy to talk about Martinism. His book is published in "Le Mercure Dauphinois". They both evoke the rich and complex way of a Tradition which would not exist without Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin while not having been established by him. The accuracy and richness of the information given in this exchange put Raymond Bernard again in the part he played in a Martinist movement which increased a lot in scale (TMO) and which you can't separate from the part he played in the development of AMORC. Excerpt from the blurb:
"What is Martinism? Who were Martines de Pasqually, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin (The Unknown Philosopher) and Jean-Baptiste Willermoz? What was their teaching and what were their schools? Who are their heirs? What is the Martinist Order founded by Gérard Encausse (Papus) during the Belle Epoque and what are the initiatic societies which may claim to have their roots in Martinism? Accepting willingly to answer Xavier Cuvelier-Roy's relevant questions in six informal interviews, Serge Caillet opens the great files of Martinism one by one: The Enlightment, the Belle Epoque of occultism, Papus's epigones, clandestine activities and the post war, years1960-1980, Martinism at the Age of Aquarius.
On the way, Serge Caillet and Xavier Cuvelier-Roy can address as well issues related to Martinism in all its forms and invite us to meet many people, that is these "men of desire" who have made the history of Martinism since the XVIII th century. In the second part of the book, "Martinist Annals, from their origins up to the present day" identify key events in the history of Martinism. Finally, a biografic index gives amateurs a working tool and a wealth of references unparalleled.

Serge Caillet website :http://sergecaillet.blogspot.fr/

october 2024



France is also the venue of the "Maison Chêvetaine Internationale" (MCI - the International Headquarters), that was established in 1988 by Raymond Bernard. It has several temples, offices, meeting rooms, a library of 9000 books. The coordination of CIRCES is organised from there.

Information : osti@wanadoo.fr

october 2024


OSTI/CIRCES in Belgium

Activities are conducted in Brussels.


october 2024


OSTI/CIRCES in Portugal

Activities are conducted near to Lisboa.

Information : pt@osti.org

october 2024


OSTI/CIRCES in Switzerland

The activities of OSTI are conducted in Bien.

Information : ch@osti.org

october 2024



Activities are conducted in Nicosia and in Limassol, in Greek and English. Ateliers (workshops) which are open to the public are also conducted.

Information : cy@osti.org

october 2024



Activities are conducted in Cotonou.

Information :bj@osti.org

october 2024



Activities are conducted in Lomé, Togoville.

Information : tg@osti.org

october 2024


OSTI/CIRCES in Senegal

Activities are conducted in Dakar.

Information : sn@osti.org

october 2024


OSTI/CIRCES in the Ivory Coast

Activities are conducted in Abidjan.

Information : ci@osti.org

october 2024


OSTI/CIRCES in Cameroun

Activities are conducted in Yaounde.

Information : cm@osti.org

october 2024



Activities are conducted in Port-au-Prince..

Information ht@osti.org

october 2024



Activities are conducted in Panama City.

Information : pa@osti.org

october 2024


OSTI/CIRCES in Madagascar

Activities are conducted in Antananarivo.

IInformation : mg@osti.org

october 2024


OSTI/CIRCES in the Congo

Activities are conducted in Brazzaville and in Pointe Noire.

Information : cg@osti.org

october 2024



Activities are conducted in Kinshasa.

Information : cd@osti.org

october 2024



Activities are conducted in Rio

Information : br@osti.org


october 2024


OSTI/CIRCES in Equador

Activities are conducted in Quito.

Information : ec@osti.org

october 2024



Activities are conducted in Montréal.

Information : ca@osti.org

october 2024



A regular OSTI Grand Commandery was restored in 2008 following the divergence from the first team which began in 1992 and was finalised in 2006. Subsequently, the leader of that group introduced himself as the successor to Raymond Bernard, but having no legitimacy other than that of a trademark registration of emblems and names made ​​by his predecessor. He had not received instructions to do so, each Grand Commandery only having the right to use them as a sign of their regularity. The old team did not want to follow the rules established by Raymond Bernard during his tenure from 1988 to 1997, rules that apply to all the Grand Commanderies. Finally there was a breakdown on all levels (ritualistic, traditional, operational). From 1997 to 2006, exchanges and discussions confirmed this desire for autonomy on the part of officials of the time.

There is presently a possible confusion by using the same words, but with different meanings and using certain similar attributes that are used for other purposes. The old team is still using, illegitimately, the titles, emblems and functions of CIRCES and OSTI, in particular the terms usurping MCI (Maison Chêvetaine Internationale) and Grand Master (who appears in photographs wearing the decor of a Grand Commander).

Commanderies operate in New York and Miami. The Commandery of Miami, which has always been regular, operates in French and English.

Information : us@osti.org

may 19, 2023


may 20, 1990

Centenaire [Audio]

may 20, 1990

Centenaire [Audio]

may 20, 1990

Centenaire [Audio]

may 20, 1990

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february 16, 1991

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february 16, 1991

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february 16, 1991

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february 17, 1990

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february 17, 1990

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february 17, 1990

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january 7, 1990

Centenaire [Video]


january 7, 1990

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january 7, 1990

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january 7, 1990

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december 17, 1989

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december 17, 1989

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february 17, 1990

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february 17, 1990

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february 17, 1990

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february 17, 1990

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february 17, 1990

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february 17, 1990

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december 17, 1989

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december 17, 1989

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february 1986

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february 1986

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february 1986

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february 1986

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february 1986

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february 1986

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february 22, 1992

Centenaire [Audio]

february 22, 1992

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february 22, 1992

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february 22, 1992

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january 10, 1993

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february 17, 1990

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february 17, 1990

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